Oh,shut up. janaa-bang-bang.blogspot.com
♥Sunday, May 31, 2009
was suppose to meet charlotte at 2pm. but this girl woke up pretty late. while waiting for her to get ready i clean my room! I have been procrastinating to clean my room, and at last its clean.
damn happy=)

all clean! :D

so we met at 4pm and bought our shoes. went to her house to get her pants and got them altered. then went to my house, get the lappie and headed to tamp mart mac.

the other day, i saw one pot of LIVE sea snail in the kitchen. My mum always cook this dish with the sea snail i like it. But after seeing them alive in the pot, i never ate it.

Ouh darn, loves not home yet. he's out with his family for a one day trip to KL. i miss him:(

♥Thursday, May 28, 2009
After knowing what had happen. How i wish i never came in the picture. I know its better when it was just me and C. I still love L to bits(:

School was oke until i had to go to the ladies alot:( met my best boy at eunos, sorry you had to wait so long. I love spending time with him, even though he was tired and all. We still had fun talking. love him to bits. *hugs thank you for helping me with my report your the best. i'll treat you when i get my pay oke :D

Hopefully tmr would be a better day.

♥Wednesday, May 27, 2009
lets go perth again(:

I finish my CITS report=)

no matter how much they try,

they can never beat you.

♥Saturday, May 23, 2009
how i wish i could turn back time and make things better. Didnt do what i did and made a terrible mistake. Hurting people along the way. Im not good in this at all. Why does it all have to happen? is god trying to tell me that i have to change. I guess i have been a terrible girl.

♥Saturday, May 16, 2009
facial bone

I miss bf already. 12 jun is coming so quickly. we'll try to meet as often okey dear. after 21 may, im going to see you almost everyday! :D

School has been, great actually. except for all those projects that need to be done. AAP is hard when it comes to all the memorising all the words.

♥Saturday, May 9, 2009

Its as if i was the bad one.

♥Thursday, May 7, 2009
i know your the one.
& if i could, i would like to make you forever.
it seems i can never let go.
i love you(:

♥Monday, May 4, 2009
School was fun, i have great friends. They really made me feel a whole lot better. telling me that things are going to be fine. i just hope so.
still got more pictures, i lazy to upload.
for that moment i thought we were infinite.

♥Sunday, May 3, 2009
There’s nothing I can say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain the tears they cry
Still you never said goodbye and now I know how far you’d go
I know I let you down but its not like that now
This time I’ll never let you go
I will be all that you want and get my self together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
All my life I’ll be with you forever
To get you through the day and make every thing OK
I thought that I had every thing I didn’t know what life could bring
But now I see honestly
You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe cause your here with me
And if I let you down I’ll turn it all around
Cause I would never let you go
I will be all that you want and get my self together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
All my life I’ll be with you forever
To get you through the day and make every thing OK
Cause with out you I can’t sleep
I’m not gonna ever ever let you leave
You’re all I got
You’re all I want
And with out you I don’t know what I’ll do
I could never ever live a day with out you
Here with me do you see your all I need

♥Saturday, May 2, 2009
'Remembering Sunday'.

are we ready to be apart?
not me.

Right now im so confuse. I still love him so so so so much, more then anything. Its not about love anymore, its about us making things work. Its been hard, i've been trying my hardest. But we never seem to come to an agreement. Its like when we're together everything is just oh so perfect and when we're not, something is always not right. why? im not sure myself. I want him, at the same time i want to able to do things i've always wanted to. I dont want to have to make a choice, cause i want both.

P/s: Farhan your the best thing that has happen in my life.

Its jane and im already 18. ♥Farhan. im really stubborn and difficult at times.
And when you dont know me, you'll think im arrogant.

    follow me on Twitter

    TALKS [:

    seth dear
    Nonaa Suhailah
    Nonaa Aniraa
    Sherry-fah cousin

    Zee Avi

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